It is almost summer on Cape. The rhododendrons are flowering. The trees are all in full leaf. The weather is warming nicely and the birds have returned. And, those lovely Baltimore Orioles have arrived. If you would like to attract them, put some grape jam-not jelly-in a dish near your bird feeders and keep a wary eye. Amazingly, the orioles will find it and continue to come around as long as you provide them with the treat. And yes, those ubiquitous clowning chipmunks
will find it and keep you entertained as well. If you are a nature lover dont miss out on our Weeks Pond property in Sandwich--a bird lover's delight. Nice open floor-plan with lots of windows and opportunities to view wildlife of all sorts. The Cape offers such wonderful opportunities come and enjoy.
Orioles and Grape Jam
- By Ned Chatelain
- Posted