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Getting ready to sell your home?

The first thing to do is to rid the house of unnecessary stuff. Even those of us who do not suffer from "hoarders syndrome" know that after a short period of time all the closets, basement and garages become full - often with items that are "too good to throw away but have no intrinsic value". Getting rid of years of collected items is a daunting task which requires muscle, equipment, patience and the capacity to disassociate oneself from one's belongings.

Downsizing or moving off Cape?

Time to clean up

Consider donating"hiddentreasures" thatcan beusefulto young people, folks that have fallen on hard times,or people whoare furnishingsummer cottages. Before going to the "dump" with your "junk" call the thrift shops associated withchurches, TheGoodwill, The Salvation Army and any other charitable groups. Often members of the charities will send people to pick up usable items as a convenience to the donor.
When contemplating a major move or downsizing it is a good idea, after selecting the items you definitely want to keep and donating what you can, tothen hire a company to conduct a yard sale for you. These people take the emotional distress out of the whole operation. They will get better prices for your belongings than you would on your own because they know what sells and for what price. It is far morepleasant to take a long ride and come back to a house that is clear of all stuff and receive a check from thecompany that conducts the sale. Your house will be ready to stagefor thesale.
Give us a whistle(Ed: 508-737-4080| Agnes: 508-776-4664) and wecan connect you to an estatesale company and/or clean up crew that is tailored to your specific needs.